Thursday, February 6, 2014

Staff Single Pitch Training, Ngdare Ndare

The group at the crag looking at briefings 

Joyce one of the instructors 
We where out today as a staff group with me getting going with the training and delivery of the courses starting with the crag. Its a stunning crag, a large granite dome with various bolted sport routes and some good bolt anchors at the top. We where looking more at the delivery of sessions learning outcomes etc. We took out the domestic staff to use as guinie pigs and then looked with the four instructors at the various things through the heat of the day.
A great outlook from the crag across to Leywa and the Samburu lands beyond. It sits in Ngdare Ndare forest edge, some new things for me to watch out or at the crag, snakes and scorpions which could lurk in the cracks and also Elephants !! Also as we arrived a man had been driving his heard of camels for the last couple of days from Isiola and was carrying on to where I am not sure. Camels are often driven up to Kenya where they spend some time fattening them up before making the big journey across the Sahara and up to Egypt.

Staff team if anyone has any tips on how to wear rubber shoes in searing heat without burning your feet let me know ! 

Climbing on the rock, nice solid rock although natural gear is a bit sparse ! 

Looking out towards Leywa and the Samburu lands beyond