Monday, December 30, 2013

Glacier Rognons, Grand Montets

We where out in nice sunny weather although its turned a bit colder in the valley in the last couple of days. Coming off the top of the Grand Montets to the left gives some good ski options although the actual droop over is a fit icy and rutted but below is very nice snow still.

Coming down off the top with the Grand Montets summit to the right 
We headed to the right of the Rognon where there are a few holes but the area is well tracked out and gives some very nice skiing down. Various people where heading down and some skinning towards the Argentiere hut.

Heading down with the backdrop of the Argentiere basin and Mont Dolent in the very back 
The lower you go at the moment the snow starts to thin  and a few rocks appear. The lower part of the Argentiere glacier is still not that well covered although you can find your way around the sides.

The lower section before the icefall above Argentiere 
Looks like some more snow is on the way just after the turn of the year. Happy New Year in the meantime.

Chamonix Valley from the Prarion at Les Houche